
Radios Discordia Short Story audio: The Rebranding of Billy Bailey by Cory Doctorow

The Rebranding of Billy Bailey, a short story about Brand Management Ad Absurdum.

What if that kid at school, who is always the trend setter, were actually a brand funded by the products he is seen using and wearing?

This story is purely satirical, and it maintains its clever and inventive pace throughout. Billy Bailey is a sixth-grade kid, and a heel, a professional heel; that is to say he maintains an image as a class prankster and brat. And he has an agent to handle his endorsements and help maintain his image. But when a hostile principal and a slimy but rich fellow student frame him for a clumsy prank unworthy of his style, he decides it's time to change. It's time for rebranding.

Copyright Cory Doctorow. Some rights reserved under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 license.

This story appears in the collection A PLACE SO FOREIGN AND EIGHT MORE, published in 2003 by Four Walls Eight Windows press.

The Rebranding of Billy Bailey.mp3

Radio Discordia a Dissemination of www.discordiacultureshop.com

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